* 产品详情- */>
Custom Notification is crucial for transporting a shipment.
The party submitting the Notification has to also indicate that they are going to report the shipment details, weight and other variables, to the RTO administration.
If there is no evidence of the shipment’s entry into a storage after transfer (or removal from a storage), then the submitter of the approved Notification might be investigated by the Customs.
If the Notification is missing and shipment was removed from storage, then the transferring party might be investigated by the Customs.
TaurusSoft tailor-made software allows for direct communication between your business and the Dutch Customs (Douane), airlines and ground handlers (with the help of a third party).
Manage your workflow without any limitations.
We developed a bunch of other cool functions for you to test.
Click here to visit our Function Test Centre and check them out.
AaE | Arrival at Exit | ACMI | Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance | ACN | Air Cargo Netherlands |
AEO | Authorised Economic Operator | AIP | Agrarisch Import Platform[1] | AWB | Air Waybill |
BPVS | Beveiliging en Publieke Veiligheid Schiphol[2] | CCC | Customs Cargo Centre | CCS | Cargo Community System |
CIE-mail | Customs Inspection Export-mail | CIL | Customs Inspection Location | CLECAT | Europese koepel van expediteursorganisaties[3] |
DGVS | Documentloos Goederen Volg Systeem[4] | DSI | Douane Sagitta Invoer[5] | DSU | Douane Sagitta uitvoer[6] |
e-AWB | Electronic Air Waybill | ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference | eCCC | eCargo Customs Control |
eCR | eCargo Receipt | ECS | Export Control System | EDI | Electronic Data Interchange[7] |
ENO | Export Notification | EU | European Union | FFM | Freight Flight Manifest |
FHL | Freight House List | FIATA | Wereldwijde koepel van expediteursorgan-isaties[8] | FSU | Freight Status Update |
FWB | Freight Way Bill | FYCO | Fysieke Controle[9] | HAWB | House Airway Bill |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | JIC | Joint Inspection Centre | KMAr | Koninklijke Marechaussee[10] |
MAWB | Master Air Way Bill | MRN | Movement Reference Number | NCTV | Nationaal Coordinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid[11] |
NRFC | Not Ready For Carriage | ODB | Overleg Douane Bedrijfsleven[12] | PGTS | Paperless Goods Tracking System |
RfC | Ready For Carriage | SCO | Safe for Cargo | SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SPX | Safe for Passenger | TaE | Trader at Exit | TSA | Transport Security Administration |
ULD | Unit Loading Device | WLS | Waarschuwingsregister Logistieke Sector[13] |
[1] Agriculture Import Platform
[2] Security and Public Safety at Schiphol platform
[3] European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services
[4] Documentless Goods Follow System (replaced by PGTS in 2019)
[5] Customs Sagitta Import (replaced by AGS in 2015)
[6] Customs Sagitta Export (replaced by AGS Export in 2016)
[7] EDI agreement: e-AWB agreement between forwarder and carrier, IATA Recommended Practice 1670 (RP1670)
[8] International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
[9] Physical control
[10] Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (military)
[11] National counter-terrorism unit
[12] Customs Business Consultation-forum
[13] Warning Register Logistic Sector
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